Rocamboles: Hardneck- not braidable
Certified Organic
Certified Organic
These are the most widely known, hence the most widely grown of the hardneck garlics.
They have a deeper, more full-bodied flavor than softnecks. Rocamboles produce large cloves which are easily peeled, making them preferred by chefs & food processors. Their loose skins however, give rise to their major disadvantage, a shorter storage life than most other varieties. By the end of January most Rocamboles show signs of dehydration or begin to sprout. Longer storage is possible if bulbs are well grown and well cured before storage. Clove colors range from tan to brown. Doubles are common in some strains.
No other garlic variety forms tight loops of 1 to 3 coils shortly after the stalks appear.The stalks later lose their coils and stand straight up as they turn woody. All hardneck varieties have flower stalks, but they form wild random coils or broad sweeping curls and arches rather than tight coils.
Rocambole leaves are of broad width and closely spaced, with leaves spreading moderately. Flower stalks average 3 to 4 feet tall when uncurled. Bulbils, or aerial clones, range from 10 to 40 in number, varying in size from small to half the size of a garden pea.
Rocambole cloves are usually rounded and blunt at the tip. They vary in shape when grown in some southern climates. Most strains average 6 to 11 cloves in a single circle around the stem. Stores approximately 4-6 months.
One pound of seed garlic will yield approximately 60 plants, though this number may vary widely.